
Outright Sales

"When the requirement is urgent"

Whenever you have an urgent requirement, for most cases outright purchasing is the most logical or the only option.

With an outright purchase, you receive the required part quickly and have it installed on your or your customer’s aircraft without the costly delays .

We strive to quote the shortest lead time, but we also make sure not to make promises that will not be realistic just to get your business.


"The cost effective option"

Having your unit repaired or overhauled rather than buying a unit outright is the cost effective option.

The cost of a repair or an overhaul is usually a fraction of an outright purchase. Unless your requirement is very urgent or an AOG, repair may be the preferable solution. Through the repair shops we represent, your components will be tested/repaired/overhauled within the shortest turnaround time and at competitive prices.

We make sure the following criteria are met:


All units will be issued with dual release (FAA & EASA) so the civil aviation regulations and the leasing companies’ requirements will be met.


The usage of PMA parts or DER repairs may not be accepted by your engineering/quality department or the leasing company. For these cases we make sure your request/policy will be followed.


Unless specified, the repair shops we represent waive the eval fees. This way you will have your unit scrapped or returned to you “as is” free of charge if your unit is B.E.R./unrepairable or if you reject the repair quotation. For the scrapped units a scrap report (along with photos if requested) will be provided free of charge.


"The optimal solution"

Where possible, an Exchange unit may be offered at zero cost or a small fee for outright sales or repairs. This way the customer will be able to receive a tagged or a short lead time unit to be installed on their aircraft.

This is a cost & time effective method to receive the part(s) needed.